

Mountain Biking
Hossa has excellent trails for mountain biking that covers all levels of ability. What makes Hossa’s biking trails so special is that they run next to lakes and ponds and on top of beautiful eskers with great views!

Kayaking and Canoeing
Hossa has an endles amount of lakes and rivers, which are perfect for these water activities. You can enjoy a quiet day trip on our lake or go for a more challenging, several day journey on the Perankajoki-river.

Beach and lakeside sauna
We have a lovely sand beach right in front of our new lakesides saunas, which is also suitable for children. You are welcomed to use the saunas during daily communal hours (1st June to 31st October) or you can book one for private use for extra cost.

Stand Up Paddle boarding (SUP-boarding)
This is a great way to enjoy Hossa’s beautiful scenery from the lake. Lake’s are usually rather calm which makes SUP-boarding a very enjoyable experience! As the boards are inflatable they are easy to transport to other ponds and lakes in the area. Please contact us for more information.

Hossa is often referred to as a fisherman’s paradise and for a good reason! Many enthousiastic fishermen and women come to enjoy Hossa’s rapids and chrystal clear ponds year after year. Please remember to check the rules and regulations of fishing before-hand!

Cross Country Skiing
The Hossa National Park and its surroundings have 40km of traditional style cross country skiing tracks that pass through our premises. You can find all the maintained winter trails from the Hossa winter trail map.

Multifunctional Traks
You don’t necessarily need ski’s to enjoy the beautiful winter scenery of our National Park. We also have multifunctional tracks that you can use by Fat bike, backcountry ski’s or in the early Spring time even walk on! One of these tracks takes you to the pre-historic Värikallio rock paintings.